About Me

So who is this Freya woman getting up in your grill about

“Transforming your Sex Life”

Well, to give you some background on me… this stuff hasn’t always been easy for me. AT ALL!

Sex certainly wasn’t always ‘ my thing ’.
Oh no, I found it bloody terrifying! Sex simultaneously fascinated, terrified, and disgusted me.

When it came to sex and my own sexual identity, I was a hot mess!

I was crippled by shame, guilt, and self consciousness around my body, pleasure, and desire.

I was mortified by the thought of anyone (even a long-term partner)
seeing me in the nude or touching my naked body.

I worried about smells, pubes, positions, and penises.

It ALL freaked me out and I painfully (and just-barely) scraped by in a highly dysfunctional manner, conducting a very unsatisfying and fraught sex life until I finally decided enough was enough!

If you’re reading this, you’ve probably decided the same thing.
Well, I’m utterly overjoyed for you and I just might be the perfect person to help with that!

I won’t bore you with all the gory details, but I decided to set out to tackle this whole sex thing once and for all, and hot dayyyum has it been a journey and a half!

In the process, I’ve studied and trained in the ancient temple style Lomi Lomi - Ka Huna massage, Internal Pelvic Release Work (IPRW), Yoni Mapping Therapy, Yoga Teaching, Tantric Bodywork, Yoni Massage, Facilitation, and Sacred Sexuality.

I have completely transformed my relationship to sex and my body and am now deeply passionate about helping others do the same. And I can tell you, doing this work and confronting your “stuff” around sex is

Can you Imagine...

What a game-changer it’d be to feel confident and comfortable in your body and in the bedroom?!

How your life and relationships would look if you healed your shame & trauma around sexuality?

Finally getting the sex education you never had and understanding the arousal processes in the female body and how to work with them?

Knowing what was what when it came to your (and your partner’s) anatomy, and knowing how to get the most pleasure out of these misunderstood body parts?

Just being reassured that you’re NORMAL and not alone in your struggles with this stuff from someone who helps people with sex-related jazz for a living?

Well, I am SO here for you on this!

And I really, truly believe that you deserve to be enjoying a fulfilling and deeply satisfying sex life with ease and confidence - like I have learned to.

It’s your birthright.

Let’s bloody DO this, shall we?!

Or if you’d like to dip your toe in gently, grab my FREE mini-course all about female pleasure and arousal to get a taster of my approach and demystify your sexuality a little!