Internal Pelvic Release Work

Do you have pelvic floor tension or incontinence?

Are you preparing to give birth and want to make sure labour is as short and smooth as possible?

Do you suffer from painful periods and difficult PMS symptoms?

Are you struggling with painful sex, vaginismus, or other pelvic issues?

Have you been pregnant or given birth and want to heal and rehabilitate your pelvic floor?

Do you have scar tissue or adhesions from injury, birth / C section, or past surgeries?

Are you living with hip pain or pelvic pain?

Do you want to do everything you can to set yourself up for a natural birth with minimal interventions?

Have you run out of options in the mainstream medical space and need some holistic solutions?

These are all things that Internal Pelvic Release Work can help support you with.

This modality came about when the work was shared with a midwife, Fiona Hallinan, by a wise bodyworker who used it to prepare and soften the vaginal tissues and pelvic structures to support an easeful second stage of labour and prevent or minimise trauma to the mother’s birth canal and baby.

That was over 30 years ago. Since then Fiona - along with Jenny Blyth - have expanded on the work and developed their own unique and expert approach through years of experience caring for thousands of women and much additional training and exploration.

I’ve had the privilege of training with them and learning from both of these trail blazing women, and am now honoured to be able to offer IPRW to you!

Internal Pelvic Release Work

is for people who:

~ Are preparing to give birth ~

~ Are healing from birth ~

~ Have sexual, medical, or birth trauma ~

~ Have painful scars from birth ~

~ Have pelvic organ prolapse~

~ Want to understand their pelvic space better ~

~ Have painful sex, vaginismus, or pelvic pain ~

~ Feel they have a weak or tight pelvic floor ~

Or just anyone of any age with a vagina who needs some care around anything related to this space in the body!

IPRW can benefit almost anyone and can have surprising effects on things that you don’t even realise are related but can be impacted by pelvic massage - including hip and knee pain, past injuries, and posture.

So come and get stuck into

it with me!

What Happens In An Internal Pelvic Release Session?

There is a LOT going on in the pelvis - ligaments, fascia, muscles and reproductive organs, not to mention the bones of the pelvis which are alive too.

Through gentle massage techniques and exploration, we can encourage these tissues and bones to find more alignment, release tension, and transform to create more space and flow.

Most of us hold tension in our pelvic floor and surrounding structures. During a session, I invite your tissues to sigh and let go of the holding patterns and “stuckness” that can be causing pain, restriction, and imbalance (and limiting the space inside your pelvis that a baby has to pass through).

In a 2 hour session:

- You’ll receive education and tips about your pelvic structures and reproductive organs.

- We’ll do some bodywork techniques to assist in the release of tension to relevant areas like the sacrum and psoas, while soothing your nervous system in preparation for internal massage.

- You’ll receive guidance around further release work and self care practices you and/or and partner can do at home.

- We’ll explore the internal structures of the bony pelvis, and work with the soft tissues inside the pelvis via the vagina. I invite the muscles, ligaments, and fascia to relax and release tension, emotions or memories that have been trapped in the tissues wreaking havoc.